The 2018 International Conference on Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Optimization (ICCAIRO 2018) was held in Prague, Czech Republic on May 19-21, 2018 and included Special Sessions and Symposia. ICCAIRO aims to be the leading international conference for presenting novel and fundamental advancements in the fields of Control, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Optimization. It was organized by Prof. Yuriy S. Shmaliy, IEEE Fellow, Universidad de Guanajuato, Mexico (Honorary Chair) and Prof. Klimis Ntalianis, University of West Attica, Egaleo, Athens, Greece (General Chair).

The main objective of the Conference is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Control, Soft Computing / Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Applied Optimization as well as their applications in various sciences and in industry.


Prague, Czech Republic

Prof. Petr Skobelev was a chair of the section titled «Control Systems and Neural Networks».

Prof. Skobelev made a report “Ontology-Driven Multi-Agent Engine for Real-Time Adaptive Scheduling”. The report stated that the growing demand for improving business efficiency requested the development of generic resource management systems applicable for solving a wide range of complex problems with minimum cost and time. Prof. Skobelev stressed the fact that the classical combinatorial or heuristic methods and tools could not provide adequate solutions for solving complex problems of resource management in real time. That is why the report proposed multi-agent technology as the core part of such solutions – which could help find the balance of many interests and adapt it in a flexible way to unpredictable events, such as a new order, an unavailable resource, etc. In his report, Prof. Skobelev introduced the use of ontology for scheduling, which provided the opportunity to create ontological model of the enterprise, develop generic multi-agent scheduler and customize matching requirements for each operation in business or technological processes, for example, for applications in manufacturing, project management, supply chains, etc. Semantic Wikipedia on the top of ontology editor was also discussed in order to support knowledge base of enterprise for resource management. The report also presented an example of the system application for supply chain of insurance company.

A number of other reports of the Conference were focused on the Complex Systems, Hybrid Systems, Implementation of Neural Networks, Mathematical foundation of Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computing (EC), Evolution Strategies, Evolutionary Programming, Software based of EC concepts, Automation and Robotics, Large Scale Systems, Distributed Computing and many others.


Prague, Czech Republic